109 RON
Produs numai in anii de recolta exceptionali. Intens, moalte si catifelat, bogat, arome de vanilie provenite ca urmare a invechirii timp de 18 luni in butoaie din stejar romanesc. Pentru a pastra aromele delicate, intentia tehnologica a fost redusa la minim, de accea este normal ca vinul sa prezinte usoare depuneri. Se serveste la 18° C acompaniat de carne rosie sau branza.Produced only in exceptional vintages, the wine is intense, with smooth and velvety structure, ripe dark fruit nose, well balanced by subtle vanilla notes.To preserve the delicate flavors, technological intervention has been kept to minimum; therefore a light deposit on the bottom of the bottle could be a normal occurrence.Serve at 18° alongside with red meat or cheese.
Categorie | Gourmet si Vin |
Magazin | carturesti.ro |
Marca | Aurelia Visinescu |