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80 RON

Tech Knits is a collection of fun, technology-inspired projects for knitters of all abilities. The unique patterns are inspired by science fiction and technological themes, with a cool retro vibe. The book begins with a detailed section on the basics of knitting, and offers advice on equipment and materials needed to complete the projects. It then includes over twenty original and creative knitting projects. The projects in Tech Knits are a mix of stand-alone objects (toys and knick-knacks) and practical everyday items (wearables and accessories) with technology and science-fiction motifs and a 70s/80s retro feel. Each project features beautiful full-colour photography of the finished pieces, clear making-up instructions and easy-to-follow knitting patterns. Projects include: the Robot Cushion Cover, Cassette Tape iPod Cover, Robo Dog Coat, Headphones Hat, Space Race Nursery Mobile, Ray-Gun Place Mats, Reel-to-reel Tote Bag, Calculator Laptop Cover and a Graphic Equalizer Scarf – to name just a few.

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